Play minecraft with us!

Step 1: Get CurseForge

CurseForge is an app that will manage the game's mods for you. You can download it here:

Step 2: Start up CurseForge

Once it is installed and running, click on minecraft in the list of games. If it's not already installed, CurseForge will install it for you.

I know you know how to click on things but someone out there is going to get hung up on this step.

Step 3: Get the UwaCraft modpack

From here, it's just a matter of typing "UwaCraft" into the search bar and installing it! The client will handle the rest.


Step 4: Start Minecraft (Java edition)!

Clicking "play" on UwaCraft will start the minecraft client with mods enabled.

tbh I wasn't actually expecting the image I submitted to show up in the Curse client


Hidden shadow garbage step 5: Migrate your minecraft account

THANKS MICROSOFT. I can't help you with this one. If this is your first time playing minecraft in years, you will need to turn your mojang account into a microsoft account. It sucks and everyone hates it.


Step 6: Join the Server!

That's it, just go ahead and plonk into your server browser!

Also part of the reason for the images is I'm hoping people will be able to figure all this out by just skimming them and not reading any of the text